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Memorial Day 2024 Honoring The Fallen


Memorial Day 2024: Honoring the Fallen

Origin and History

Memorial Day, formerly known as Decoration Day, originated in the years following the American Civil War, commemorating the countless lives lost in that conflict. The tradition of decorating graves with flowers and flags began as a way for families to honor their fallen loved ones.

Federal Holiday

Memorial Day was officially established as a federal holiday in 1971. It is observed on the last Monday of May each year, providing Americans with an opportunity to reflect on the sacrifices made by military personnel throughout history.

Memorial Day 2024

In 2024, Memorial Day will fall on Monday, May 27th. As a federal holiday, it is expected that schools, libraries, and many businesses will be closed.

Traditions and Observances

Memorial Day is a time for solemn remembrance and gratitude. Common observances include:

  • Visiting cemeteries and placing flags or flowers on graves
  • Attending parades and ceremonies
  • Flying the American flag at half-staff
  • Observing a moment of silence at 3:00 p.m. local time

Memorial Day is a day to remember those who have served and died in defense of their country, and to express appreciation for the freedoms they have ensured.

